根据文章中的第一段的第一句和第二句:Long long ago, in Nottingham, England, there was a king named Richard. He was a wise and generous king so the kingdom was rich. 很久很久以前,在英国的诺丁汉,有一位国王,名叫理查。他是一个聪明而慷慨的国王,所以这个国家很富有。根据文章中的第二段的第四...
Define King of England. King of England synonyms, King of England pronunciation, King of England translation, English dictionary definition of King of England. Noun 1. King of England - the sovereign ruler of England King of Great Britain king, male mona
根据“One day, King Richard left England. He had to fight a war in another country.",可知理查德国 王离开了英格兰是因为他不得不去另一个国家打仗。 故选B。 54. 细节理解题。根据“He took away the houses and lands of the poor people and gave them to his friends.",可知他 拿走了穷人的...
这早在1202年就有过先例,当时的英格兰国王约翰(King John of England)首次禁止在面包里掺假。政府和老百姓似乎都同意 … www.bilinguist.com|基于14个网页 2. 从英格兰约翰国王 在随后几年中,菲利普·奥古斯塔斯(Philip Augustus)将洛什镇从英格兰约翰国王(King John of England)手中夺走。而后, … ...
约翰王King John(1167-1216)英格兰国王King of England(1199-1216),外号“无地王约翰”(John Lackland)。生于牛津。英国历史上最不得人心的国王之一。他曾试图在理查一世被囚禁的德国(1193-1194)期间夺取王位,但后来理查宽恕了他并指定他为继承人,从而剥夺了约翰的长兄杰弗利(Geoffrey)之子亚瑟...
When Richard's contemporaries called him" Coeur de Lion"(The Lion heart), they paid a lasting compliment to the king of beasts. Little did the English people owe him for his services, and heavily did they pay for his adventures.He was in England only twice for a few short months in ...
doi:10.1002/9781444338232.wbeow519twelfth centurybiographycrusadeseuropemilitary historyHoslerJohn DBlackwell Publishing Ltd
King Henry II was one of the most powerful English monarchs not only of the 12th century, but quite truthfully of an entire period. He had five sons, but only two outlived him. The first was Richard the Lionheart, the fierce and brutal crusading hero who became a popular if sometimes ...
There was once a king of England whose name was John.(以前,英格兰有个国王,名叫约翰。) He was a bad king; for he was harsh and cruel to his people, and so long as he could have his own way, he did no…
King John of England John (1166-1216) was the son of King Henry II of England and younger brother of King Richard (r. 1189-1199), from whom he inherited the throne. He reigned as Lord of Ireland 1177-1216 and King of England 1199-1216. His reign was dominated by warfare with King...