Wessex (redirected fromKingdom of Wessex) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Related to Kingdom of Wessex:Vikings,Kattegat Wes·sex (wĕs′ĭks) A region and ancient Anglo-Saxon kingdom of southern England. Founded by the descendants of Saxons who settled in Britain in the fifth century, Wessex became ...
Related to Kingdom of Wessex:Vikings,Kattegat Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> England Wessex Words related to Wessex nouna Saxon kingdom in southwestern England that became the most powerful English kingdom by the 10th century ...
The Vikings had begun their raids on Britain c. 793 CE and, by Alfred's time, had established themselves throughout the land from Northumbria through Mercia with increasing incursions into Wessex. Alfred defeated the Viking leader Guthrum (died c. 890 CE) at the Battle of Eddington in 878 ...
Alfred was now King of Wessex, but he was still unable to stop the Viking menace. After his defeat in the Battle of Wilton, at the end of AD 871, he decided he must sue for peace. A large payment persuaded the Vikings to retreat to York for the next four years; but, in the long...
七大王国分别是:肯特、萨塞克斯(南撒克逊)、威塞克斯(西撒克逊)、埃塞克斯(东撒克逊)、诺森布里亚,东盎格利亚和麦西亚(Kent, Sussex, Wessex, Essex, Northumbria, East Anglia, Mercia)。 2楼2015-12-09 18:24 回复 文治_武功 铁杆会员 9 927年,爱德华之子埃塞尔斯坦于成功征服了斯堪的纳维亚约克王国的维京人,...
It was his homeland,Wessex, a powerful kingdom whose foundationwas accredited byvariousfolktalestoKing Arthur. 这是他的故乡,威塞克斯,一个强大的王国,其被各种民间传说认定为亚瑟王所创建。 However, theScandinavian armywas soferociousthat even this last kingdom wastottering on the brink of destruction. ...
The Lingering Death and Botched Burial of William the Conqueror The Earl of Wessex Whatever King Edward actually desired or agreed to would be irrelevant at any rate; Godwin, the Earl of Wessex, was the most powerful man in England outside of the King. Earl Godwin would oppose any claimant...
who defended his kingdom of Wessex against the Vikings and became England's dominant ruler, died at 28 and was buried in Winchester, Hants, in 899.But his remains were lost after being dug up, reburied and then scattered during the 18th century.Last March Winchester University staff thought...