In Greek mythology Aeolus was the keeper of the winds and king of the mythical, floating island of Aeolia. He kept the violent Storm-Winds locked safely away inside the cavernous interior of his isle, releasing them only at the command of greatest gods t
Perseus was one of the most celebrated heroes of Greek mythology. King Polydectes commanded he fetch the head of Medusa. With the help of the gods, Perseus obtained winged sandals, an invisible helm and a magical sword. He then sought out the ancient Gra
Ancient Greek Ocean Culture Theme: Based on the ancient Greek ocean mythology, it leads visitors into a world full of ocean atmosphere Poseidon Beach Water World: Contains five major characteristic areas, providing exciting water facilities and parent-child water games ...
Zeus is the king of the Greek gods,which makes him one of the most important members of theGreek Pantheon. Not only is he the god of thunder and the sky, he’s also the subject of many famous Greek myths. So if you want to understand Greek mythology, you should start by getting to...
Much of this empire's history is primarily known only from the ancient Assyrian texts, though other ancient texts such as the Bible, Greek mythology, and Homer's Iliad all mention Lydia. In the Bible, the country referred to as ''Lud'' was Lydia....
Greek Mythology has been known to be one of the footprints left by the civilization of ancient Greece to our history and these mythology somehow shed a light to the culture, life style, religion and history of ancient Greece since the mythology were the primary basis of the origin of the an...
What are the Mesoamerican influences behind Namor and Talokan?While the comic versions of Namor and Atlantis take their cue from Greek mythology, Wakanda Forever draws on a different source of inspiration: Mesoamerica, a historic region spanning modern-day Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras,...
Pluto, or Hades as he is known in Greek mythology, is the one who tears off the mask people wear when they arrive in his realm. That mask was called ‘persona’. Pluto stands for being who you are, not trying to live up to expectancies, neither of others, nor of yourself. Having ...
Gilgamesh_King of Uruk
In Greek mythology Perseus was one of the most celebrated of the heroes. This second page in the Perseus series begins with the story of his rescue of Andromeda from the Sea-Monster and continues with the tale of his rise to power in Greece. The appendic