King of Swords Love Position The King of Swords in this position stands for fairness and even handed treatment. He settles disputes, assists in the resolution of conflicts and mediates. Bringing analytical and interrogative skills to bear on whatever the current drama may be, the King of Swords...
King of Swords Advice Position In this position, the King of Swords advises that you research your situation and in the process question existing authorities. It may be time to examine underlying assumptions and bring greater clarity into areas that have been left in the dark. Don't wait for...
The “Upright King of Swords”, also suggests you to take advice from your staff or your seniors who are totally experienced with the situation or have faced those in the past. Discuss with them when you need to take judgements. Some of the cases may be such where you have to keep your...
Reversed King of Swords Prediction for Love In a love reading, the reversed card could indicate that you are in an abusive relationship. Your partner may be an opinionated, stubborn, forceful and even dishonest person. While you may just have to accept him as he is, do not allow him to ...
King of Swords as Advice The King of Swords as advice asks you to think about things logically. Make a fair and honest decision with yourself. All swords represent thoughts and words, so write it down If you are having a dilemma, then try brainstorming your ideas. If you can’t decide...
Upright King of Pentacles Card Prediction for Love When the King of Pentacles comes in a love reading, you will be blessed with a reliable partner who can also guide you well in your financial matters. He can be charming and persuasive when you first meet him. As a husband, he is a go...
Won subdues the driver and joins Rin at the back of the carriage, where they both confront the swordsman inside. As they point their swords at Song In, he calmly holds his sword against the neck of an unconscious San. Song In warns Won that his position as crown prince could be in ...
The Knight of Swords also points to your physical, emotional, and spiritual energy being at a peak.If you’re waiting for news from someone or something, you are likely to like what you hear. The Knight of Swords can point to many activities, travel, being out and about, and ...
Automatically generated combination for Seven of Wands AND Six of Cups AND King of Swords AND Three of Pentacles results from cards meanings: - perseverance familiarity head over heart teamwork; - defensive happy memories discipline collaboration; ...
Know that as anxiety-producing as such a new beginning can sometimes be, underneath it all is good, beneficial energy getting you where you want to go.The Ace of Swords calls on us not to be afraid to leap if it’s in our best interests. In short, bravery is called for. The old ...