酋长是一个部落的首领,而阿拉伯酋长的英语是“sheikh”。 shah [ʃɑː] 这是旧时伊朗国王的称号。 【例句】 It is all very reminiscent of the Shah's Iran. 所有这一切都令人想起了沙阿国王统治时期的伊朗。 【小知识】 In chess, checkmate came from the Persian shah mat ("the king is dead")....
The article focuses on the conflict between the Shah of Iran Mohammed Reza Pahlevi and King Feisal of Saudi Arabia. It says that the Shah of Iran postponed the state visit in Saudi Arabia because of King Feisal's support to the Bahrain Island. It states...
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) is 3 hours and 30 minutes behind IST (Iran Standard Time)10:30 pm in Stone, United Kingdom is 2:00 am in Kermanshah, Iran Stone to Kermanshah call timeBest time for a conference call or a meeting is between 8am-2:30pm in Stone which corresponds to 11:30...
At the time of the publishing of the book in 1973 no one could figure out what it meant but after having just witnessed the fall of the Shah of Iran it was very clear. The Ayatollah had been in exile in Iraq for 17 years but it was only after going to France for 1 year that he...
Before the revolution, the Shah of Iran seemed invincible. The world watched in awe as he commanded a huge army and oversaw an economy awash with billions of dollars of oil revenues. The regime’s secret police had crushed communist opposition and the Shah appeared to have bought off the co...
“I extend my heartfelt congratulations and respect to the courageous climbers. I have felt that such an effort has increased the prestige of Nepal and Nepalis in the world,” Shah said in his congratulatory message, “Nepal is a country of many high mountains in the world. And it is a...
伊朗的沙阿:垂死的国王 A Dying King: The Shah of Iran的海报按喜欢排序 · 按尺寸排序 · 按时间排序 675x1000 预告海报 美国 + 上传剧照&海报&壁纸 > 全部图片 剧照(0) 海报(1) 预告海报 (1) 壁纸(0) > 去 伊朗的沙阿:垂死的国王 的页面 ...
After their discovery, one set of plates was stored at the palace of Reza, Shah (King) of Iran and the other set went on display in a museum. After the revolution in 1978 removed the Shah, son of Reza Shah, the modern Islamic Republic was established, the second set was also displayed...
After the shah’s overthrow, the Reagan administration in the 1980s becamefriendly with Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. The U.S. supported him with intelligence during Iraq’s war with Iran and looked the other way at his use of chemical weapons. ...
In the spring of 1968, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi's personal rule and Iran's domestic stability were at an all-time high. For five years, Iran had enjoyed the boons of the Shah's White Revolution. This program of economic and social reform had placed Iran on the path to becoming one ...