KOF系列巔峰級作品「KOF 2002」全面升級版 「THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2002 UNLIMITED MATCH」在PlayStation4登場! 全新角色「無名」、及來自 「大蛇篇」 「音巢篇」的歷代人氣角色多數參戰,實現了系列遊戲最多66名可玩角色! 連線對戰採用了回滾式網絡代碼,配對系統搭載了對戰回放及配對冷卻等改進功能!
The King of Fighters 2002 is an online retro game which you can play for free here at playretrogames.com It has the tags:action, fighting, and was added onFeb 02, 2015. It has been played226481times and is available for the following systems:neo-geo / bin / SNK Neo GeoYou can also...
「THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2002(拳皇2002)」是SNK於2002年推出的對戰格鬥遊戲。 本作品是KOF系列第九款,取消了攻擊手系統,恢復為3人一隊的「3對3對戰」形式。 進化版的新MAX發動系統操作更簡單、玩法更多樣化,請親自來體會吧! 「ACA NEOGEO」系列的開發宗旨,在於忠實地重現NEOGEO名作遊戲。
KOF系列巅峰级作品“KOF 2002”全面升级版 “THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2002 UNLIMITED MATCH”在PlayStation®4登场! 全新角色“无名”、及来自 “大蛇篇” “音巢篇”的历代人气角色多数参战,实现了系列游戏最多66名可玩角色! 联网对战采用了回滚式网络代码,匹配系统配备了对战回放及匹配冷却等优化功能!
King of Fighters 2002 表演者:Original Game Soundtrack 专辑类型:Import / Soundtrack 介质:Audio CD 发行时间:2002-12-02 出版者:Scitron 唱片数:1 条形码:4949168105072 豆瓣评分 7.5 22人评价 5星 15.4% 4星 53.8% 3星 23.1% 2星 7.7% 1星
拳皇2002:终极对决KOF2002UM / KOF02UM / 02UM / 더 킹 오브 파이터즈 2002 언리미티드 매치The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match SNK,SNK Playmore,Code Mystics,SNK Corporation 2009-02-26 - . -6.8 简介
King of Fighters is trendy, 547,053 total plays already! Play this King of Fighters game for free and prove your worth. Enjoy King of Fighters now!
“THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2002” is a fighting game released by SNK in 2002.The 9th entry in the KOF series. In this tame, the “Striker System” is replaced by creating teams for the comeback of the “3-on-3 Battle Mode”.The easier to use MAX Activation System adds a more in-depth...
Better play to find out! There's a New King in Town The noticeable trait of The King of Fighters 2002 to fans would be the lack of story the previous games had. That is mainly because the predecessor wrapped up the story arc. Developers made a conscious decision to move their focus to...
The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match version of the game was released on February 26, 2009 for the PlayStation 2 in Japan and on November 3, 2010 for Xbox Live Arcade and on February 27, 2015 for Steam on the PC.The game has 66 characters in total, making it the series' ...