圣杯牌组 宫廷牌 KING of CUPS 被压抑太久的情感,正在寻求解脱之道 牌面细节: 这张牌逆位置的时候,好似国王的圣杯倾倒翻覆了,他的情感付诸流水,因为动机不够纯正,有些举动并不会带来好处,没有人因为他的付出而受惠,且这多半会有损失或不好的后果。也会为自己带来不好的评价,甚至真的有不堪的举动,像是不忠...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook kingcup (redirected fromkingcups) Thesaurus Encyclopedia king·cup (kĭng′kŭp′) n.Chiefly British Any of several plants in the buttercup family with yellow flowers, especially the marsh marigold. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Ed...
The Tarot card known as the King of Cups represents compassion, restraint, and spiritual harmony. On the card itself, a monarch is shown holding a fish-shaped amulet while seated on a throne. His necklace's fish motif stands for his creative soul, which flourishes in the serene surroundings...
King of Cups in a Yes or No Card Reading The King of Cups is a card of calm and presence. If you're looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive the King of Cups, the answer is YES. Remember your own position in the situation and practice humility....
牌组名称:圣杯(Cups) 对应元素:水 代表色:蓝色 象征:感情、爱情(情绪、感性) 含义:感情 暗示:情绪、感情 圣杯这一组牌,代表感情、情绪和心灵体验。它们描述了人的内心状态、感觉和关系,这种能量是向内聚集的。圣杯的关联元素为水,水可以流动,可以填满空隙,能够忍受,却又喜怒无常,这些都使它成为圣杯的象征形象。
慈爱 情切 牌面解释国王坐于宝座之上,手执圣杯,目光注视前方,象征着他开拓的视野,有前瞻性的眼光。他披着的宽大衣耄象征着宽广的胸怀。同时,圣杯国王也代表着冷静,明知和圆滑。 正位见多识广,让人尊敬; 某…
It culminates at the King of Cups. All kings symbolize the finality of the suit. Often having many kings in one reading means the end of a project, relationship or situation. But no one says Death, quite like the King of Cups. Only when we are truly in touch with the wide spectrum ...
声音简介 圣杯国王关键词:平静与清晰、克制与控制情感、操纵;创造 圣杯国王赋能句:心如止水的人,能照见真相。如如不动,一切皆在掌握中。上一个:韦特塔罗牌- 宝剑王牌(Ace of Swords) 下一个: 韦特塔罗牌-圣杯皇后(Queen of Cups) 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动猜你喜欢 ...
The King of Cups, a powerful symbol of emotional intelligence and compassion, signifies a wise and nurturing leader. Representing emotional maturity and balance, this Tarot card embodies the qualities of a benevolent ruler. The King of Cups possesses
of life. He is very family orientated. He may be a water sign such as Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. Love & Relationships(Upright) In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship, the King of Cups can be a very good omen as it is the good husband, partner or father card. It ...