The King of Cups reversed is not a good card to get in a love Tarot reading if you are in a relationship as it may signify you or your spouse being emotionally unstable and causing troubles in the partnership. It's possible that one of you is experiencing emotional difficulty and isn't...
圣杯牌组 宫廷牌 KING of CUPS 被压抑太久的情感,正在寻求解脱之道 牌面细节: 这张牌逆位置的时候,好似国王的圣杯倾倒翻覆了,他的情感付诸流水,因为动机不够纯正,有些举动并不会带来好处,没有人因为他的付出而受惠,且这多半会有损失或不好的后果。也会为自己带来不好的评价,甚至真的有不堪的举动,像是不忠...
King of Cups minor arcana tarot card meaning & reversed card meaning in the context of love, relationships, money, career, health & spirituality all free!
In love, the King of Cups represents a harmonious union filled with emotional depth, understanding, and unwavering love.King of Cups Reversed: A powerful man, but violent. Beware of being robbed. The King of Cups reversed represents a significant imbalance when it comes to emotional maturity ...
Love this deck? Buy The Biddy Tarot Deck Now!King of Cups Keywords UPRIGHT: Emotionally balanced, compassionate, diplomatic. REVERSED: Self-compassion, inner feelings, moodiness, emotionally manipulative. King of Cups Description The King of Cups sits on a large stone throne and wears a blue ...
Reversed King of Cups Prediction for Love Emotional instability, endless problems will be foreseen. As couples, you might not be treating each other properly. One of you might go through a bad time. Try to resolve all such problems. It might show cheating, pervert behaviour, disloyalty, abuse...
When the King of Cups is upright, it represents a profound emotional connection in love. Reversed, be wary of emotional distancing. Read more at Ganeshaspeaks.
In Tarot, the King of Cups represents profound calm. Learn this card’s meaning in love, career, or advice readings or when it appears reversed.
Google Share on Facebook kingcup (redirected fromkingcups) Thesaurus Encyclopedia king·cup (kĭng′kŭp′) n.Chiefly British Any of several plants in the buttercup family with yellow flowers, especially the marsh marigold. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. ...
圣杯国王(King of Cups)代表着温和、成熟、体贴和直觉。这张牌通常描绘了一个慈祥的男性,他充满爱心和智慧,善于理解他人的情感和需求。圣杯国王所代表的人通常是一位有着坚强内心和高度情感智慧的领导者。他善于沟通、关怀他人,并且在处理复杂情感问题时游刃有余。