King of Cups in Love The King of Cups in love represents a mature, compassionate, and emotionally balanced partner. This King possesses a deep understanding of their own feelings and those of their loved ones. Their calm and nurturing nature fosters a harmonious and loving bond with their partn...
圣杯国王 King of Cups 国王将宝座直接建在了大海之上。一席蓝衫,表明国王沉淀下来的智慧,绿色鞋子象征着和平的基础,黄色披风象征着国王的掌控能力。国王右手握圣杯,左手执权杖,胸前鱼形吊坠,表明国王在经历沧桑之后,在各方面均取得傲人成就。 王座后可见红色船只,表明国王远征的欲望和决心。海中的鱼腾出水面,表明国...
In a love Tarot reading, if you are in relationship, the King of Cups reversed is not a great card to get as it can indicate you or your partner becoming emotionally unstable and cause problems in the relationship. One of you may be going through a tough time emotionally and may not be...
In a reading, like all court cards, she can often signify a literal person in our lives, most often female and with hair tending toward the lighter shades in the spectrum. The Queen brings good energy and is a positive sign to receive.The Queen of Wands can also refer to a woman with...
kingofcups是圣杯国王的意思 圣杯国王:正位:责任和创意、受教育者、事业者、商人、律师、虔诚的人、科学家、周到的人、好心和可靠、自由的行为、画家、对科学和艺术的好奇、大方。逆位:不稳定的脾气、双面谈判、丑闻、失去、不公道、一个善变又没有道德的人。
Define kingcups. kingcups synonyms, kingcups pronunciation, kingcups translation, English dictionary definition of kingcups. n. Chiefly British Any of several plants in the buttercup family with yellow flowers, especially the marsh marigold. American Her
牌名:圣杯国王(King Of Cups) 元素:水 代表色:蓝色 关键字:爱家、关怀、慈善、宽容 含义:一个老实、善意的男子,但轻易草率的作出决定,所以不是一个可以依靠的人,也不要指望从他那里得到有益的忠告。 牌面解读 牌面上,国王坐于宝座之上,手执圣杯,目光注视前方,象征着他开拓的视野,有前瞻性的眼光,他披着的宽...
圣杯牌组 宫廷牌 KING of CUPS 圣杯国王 逆位关键词:纵欲、怨恨、堕落、谎言、双重标准被压抑太久的情感,正在寻求解脱之道 牌面细节: 这张牌逆位置的时候,好似国王的圣杯倾倒翻覆了,他的情感付诸流水,因为动机不够纯正,有些举动并不会带来好处,没有人因为他的付出而受惠,且这多半会有损失或不好的后果。也...
圣杯牌组 宫廷牌 KING of CUPS 圣杯国王 正位关键词:慈悲、宽恕、宗教家、慈善家、艺术家深度的直觉力,透过创造和情感上的训练而成功 牌面细节: 国王坐在波涛汹涌海中央的宝座上,左边有条鱼跳出海面,右边有一艘帆船。象征潜意识浮出。他的内袍是代表水要素的蓝色,胸前还挂著鱼形项链,象征想象力或创意。 他...
圣杯国王 King of Cups 国王将宝座直接建在了大海之上。一席蓝衫,表明国王沉淀下来的智慧,绿色鞋子象征着和平的基础,黄色披风象征着国王的掌控能力。国王右手握圣杯,左手执权杖,胸前鱼形吊坠,表明国王在经历沧桑之后,在各方面均取得傲人成就。 王座后可见红色船只,表明国王远征的欲望和决心。海中的鱼腾出水面,表明国...