What does the King of Cups Tarot card mean?Learn the meaning of the King of Cups Tarot card in under a minute!King of Cups Upright Meaning Traditionally, representing the energy of a King, this card usually portrays a watery background, with a man seated on a throne, holding the Cup ...
King of Cups Tarot card Meaning Key meanings (Upright): Loyal, faithful, spiritual advisor, sympathetic, considerate, considerate, harmonious, compassionate, passionate, attractive, dedicated, family-oriented, simple. Key meanings (Reversed): Male with immature emotional development, who is highly emotio...
King of Cups Tarot Card Meaning The King of Cups, a powerful symbol of emotional intelligence and compassion, signifies a wise and nurturing leader. Representing emotional maturity and balance, this Tarot card embodies the qualities of a benevolent ruler. The King of Cups possesses the ability ...
King of Cups Upright Meaning Guide King of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: Mature compassionate male, calm, caring, friendly, sympathetic, wise, tolerant, diplomatic, balanced, affectionate, romantic, charming, devoted, family orientated, generous, easy going, married man, good husband/partner...
小阿卡那牌·圣杯:XXXV 圣杯十(Ten of Cups) 情感团体 家庭 满足 和谐 牌面解释这是齐乐融融的一家人,夫妻相拥各扬一只手,、迎向象征美好生活的圣杯与彩虹。两个孩子在一旁快乐的嬉戏。远处是他们的家。这是一副温馨感人的画面。这张… 詠貞发表于七十八张塔... 圣杯国王如同柔水般的好男人 季顺潘打开...
'King of Cups',或称为圣杯国王,是塔罗牌中小阿卡那牌组中的一张重要牌面,它位于圣杯牌组的第十四位。这张牌以其独特的象征意义和深远的寓意,在塔罗牌解读中占据了一席之地。圣杯国王的形象通常被描绘为一位富有远见、胸怀博大的王者,他以宽容的态度对待每一个臣民,展现出一种冷静...
圣杯牌组 宫廷牌 KING of CUPS 圣杯国王 正位关键词:慈悲、宽恕、宗教家、慈善家、艺术家深度的直觉力,透过创造和情感上的训练而成功 牌面细节: 国王坐在波涛汹涌海中央的宝座上,左边有条鱼跳出海面,右边有一艘帆船。象征潜意识浮出。他的内袍是代表水要素的蓝色,胸前还挂著鱼形项链,象征想象力或创意。 他...
圣杯牌组 宫廷牌 KING of CUPS 圣杯国王 逆位关键词:纵欲、怨恨、堕落、谎言、双重标准被压抑太久的情感,正在寻求解脱之道 牌面细节: 这张牌逆位置的时候,好似国王的圣杯倾倒翻覆了,他的情感付诸流水,因为动机不够纯正,有些举动并不会带来好处,没有人因为他的付出而受惠,且这多半会有损失或不好的后果。也...
牌名:圣杯国王(King Of Cups) 元素:水 代表色:蓝色 关键字:爱家、关怀、慈善、宽容 含义:一个老实、善意的男子,但轻易草率的作出决定,所以不是一个可以依靠的人,也不要指望从他那里得到有益的忠告。 牌面解读 牌面上,国王坐于宝座之上,手执圣杯,目光注视前方,象征着他开拓的视野,有前瞻性的眼光,他披着的宽...