of the last three kings, I can therefore assume that Mulek's given name was actually "Benjamin." Since the Yaxchilan king list implies that King Mosiah the elder married King Zarahemla's daughter (Lady Kuk)13 then it might be assumed that Mosiah and Kuk named their son after the Mulekite...
Asher Getz Young Mosiah Fig Mitchell Young PatriarchRegie Blair Treu Drehbuch Elizabeth Hansen Komplette Besetzung und alle Crew-Mitglieder Produktion, Einspielergebnisse & mehr bei IMDbPro Handlung Ändern A Book of Mormon prophet, King Benjamin, gathers his people to hear him preach the gospel of...
AndKing Benjamintaught his people in Book of Mormon times: Y elrey Benjamínenseñó a su pueblo en la época del Libro de Mormón: LDS The 2008 Mutual theme scripture comes at the end ofKing Benjamin’slast sermon (see Mosiah 2–5). ...
doi:10.5406/jbookmormstud2.28.2019.0301PUBLIC speakingKINGS & rulersNEPHITESRELIGIOUS institutionsBOOK of MormonUlrich, MichalJournal of Book of Mormon Studies
Previously in the Book of Mormon, both Nephi and King Benjamin acknowledged their use of Egyptian. En una parte anterior del Libro de Mormón, Nefi y el rey Benjamín reconocieron que usaban el egipcio. LDS December 16: King Benjamin testified of the coming of the Savior in Mosiah 3...