【Ted-ED】神话系列 S1E9 迈达斯国王的点金术 The Myth Of King Midas And His Golden Touch169312020-02-09 05:18:31您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~38 10 50 40 ted 知识 社科·法律·心理 冷知识 货币 YOUTUBE搬运 心理学 教育 人文 神话 纪实 趣味科普人文 黄金小...
三、阅读表达King Midas and His Golden TouchLong long ago, there lived in Greece a king whose name was Midas. He was a greedy man and loved goldbetter than anything else in the world.One day, he asked God to give him more gold. God decided to punish him and said, “Your wish is ...
Then he picked an apple from a tree, and held a beautiful, bright, gold apple in his hand. Oh, there was no doubt about it. King Midas really had the Golden Touch! He thought it too good to be true. After this he touched the lilies that bordered the walk. They turned from pure ...
King Midas walked a very long way. over the mountains and grassland. 国王米打走了很长的一段路,翻过了高山和草原。At last , he found the river.最后他终于找到了那条神秘的河And the water washed away his golden touch. 然后他把他的金手指在河水中洗去了''If I can't touch my love ones, ...
King midas and his golden touch Kingmidasandhisgoldentouch •Longago,Greecewasdividedintomanyparts.OneofthesekingdomswasruledbyamannamedKingMidas.Hewasveryrich.Eventhoughhewasveryrich,Midaswassogreedythathealwayswantedtobericher.Hisfavoritethingwasgold.Truely,hewishedthateverythinginhiskingdomcouldbegold....
14King Midas and His Golden Touch迈达斯国王和他的点金术 Long ago, Greece was divided into many different small kingdoms. One of these kingdoms was ruled by a man named King Midas. King Midas was very rich. Many people said that he had more gold than any other king in the world. Even ...
King Midas and the Golden Touch Once upon a time in ancient Greece, there lived a king named Midas. King Midas loved three things more than 1 else in the world—his little daughter, his rose garden and gold. Nothing gave him 2 pleasure than seeing his little daughter picking roses in th...
Midas was the king of Phrygia. Even though he was very rich, he thought that his greatest happiness was provided by gold: With curly hair and a full beard, Midas is known for two things, having the ears of a donkey and the ability to turn everything he touched into gold. This second...
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King Midas is a goodman, and he is adevoted father to hisdaughter, Aurelia. Yet Midasknows no music sweeter than therattling of golden coins, and themore gold he gathers, the morehe desires. When a mysteriousstranger offers to grant the kinga single wish as a reward for akindness, Midas...