A new animated adventure from the co-director of "Big Hero 6" and "Moana" is set to arrive on Netflix this July in the form of "The Sea Beast." The sea-faring flick is anchored (see what I did there?) by the voice talent of Dan Stevens, Karl Urban, Jared Harris, and Zaris-...
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku [GBA]Dragon Quest 8: Journey Of The Cursed King [PSX]DragonFire - The Well of Souls [cheats]Drakan - Order Of The Flame [Trainer +3]Drakan: Order Of The Flame [cheats]Drakan: The Ancient Gates [PSX]...
Xemnas is the leader of Organization XIII, and is fought as a boss in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and the final boss of Kingdom Hearts II and Sora's story in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. In Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, he challenges Sora at...
The Spawn include: the Scarlet Children which are identical to normal humans from both biology and personality and is impossible to tell them apart; the Holy Beasts, known to the public as the Humboldt squids, are cephalopodic monsters engineered by the Daevites for war; and the Scarlet Coven...