King Lear: Directed by Peter Brook. With Paul Scofield, Irene Worth, Cyril Cusack, Susan Engel. King Lear divides his kingdom among his daughters, giving great importance to their protestations of love for him. When Cordelia refuses to idly flatter the o
Feature film to be released early 2021. Based on King Lear by William Shakesp | Check out 'King Lahiri: A Modern-Day Adaptation of King Lear' on Indiegogo.
King Lear, Shakespeare offers a world where the natural and unnatural are intertwined, appearances and self-perception are confused, and words—written and spoken—are deceptive. OVE RVI E W SYNOPSIS ACT I, SCENE I. [PP. 39-51] King Lear ‘s palace, Britain. The Earl of Gloucester and ...