Considered to be the fifth greatest horror movie of all time, 1933's King Kong lives up to its reputation. Although it's special effects are primitive compared to today's standards it's utilization of stop motion, giving Kong the ability to appear to be moving on his own, is second to...
在线看King Kong 1933 Colorized 1小时 40分钟 17秒。2 7月 2020的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 147 — 已浏览。 2 — 已评价。
USA 1933 . Well this is it.THEmovie for many fans who greet it with just as much amazement and enjoyment as the multitude of initial viewers anticipating the original release way back in 1933. What it must have been like waiting in line over 70 years ago to get into a 'movie house' ...