5. The "KingKing" service may be used to make emergency calls in Hong Kong. However, while you are abroad you should call local emergency number via your regular voice roaming service. 6.Upon your use of the "KingKing" service, we shall use your PCCW-HKT mobile service's number for ...
Kongsea, Lakshay Garg, lhlmgr, Lin Min, liu.guangcong, Loki Der Quaeler, Louie Helm, lucasmoura, Luke Iwanski, Lyndon White, Mahmoud Abuzaina, Marcel Puyat, Mark Aaron Shirley, Michele Colombo, MtDersvan, Namrata-Ibm, Nathan Luehr, Naurril, Nayana Thorat, Nicolas Lopez, Niranjan Hasabnis...
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