AHKJ的画风称得上精致,每只狐猴的毛毛都纤毫毕现的;剧情上大体是轻松搞笑子供向,不过也有细思极恐的小细节和现实隐喻,编剧很会玩各种梗,比如下图里痴汉Mort为国王写的畅销书Fifty Shades of King Julien(笑死哈哈哈);音乐也是剧集的一大亮点,几乎每集都有新ED,不少BGM也都蛮好听。 还是本儿童上色书哈哈哈 国王...
"You can be anything you want if you dream hard enough!" ~King Julien [source] King Julien XIII, commonly called King Julien is one of the main characters in the Madagascar franchise. He is the main titular protagonist of All Hail King Julien, the deuter
【伪MV】King ..二楼照例:.1. 所谓“伪MV”就是“楼主根本不会做任何视频,又觉得马达/马企/马猴一些镜头配上歌曲很好玩,就用截图+歌词字幕伪造出MV存在的假象”的这种行为;.2.其实楼主不是很确定《咱们屯里的人》
1 piece King Julien and Mort Mascot Costume sample is available Packaging and delivery Packaging Details King Julien and Mort Mascot Costume Packing:PP bag Outter:carton Normal carton size:60*60*60cm/carton;70*70*70cm/carton;80*80*80cm/carton ; The exactly packing size is depend on the costu...
King Julien All Hail King Julien 朱利安国王万岁 Mort 恭喜BLG获得2024LPL夏季赛总冠军! 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・) 发布 NO.012361 克里斯蒂娜红莉栖 说吧,Julien给了你多少水果和狐猴!画面比隔壁企鹅精致那么多 (玩笑 2018-02-07 12:27 杀鱼鲸加奥 ...
All Hail King Julien: With Danny Jacobs, Andy Richter, Kevin Michael Richardson, India de Beaufort. Animated misadventures of a hard-partying lemur and his wild friends in Madagascar.
【怀疑】king j..在king julien的皇冠掉了之后,marlene把KJ的嘴封着,这是mort来了一局:她的确止住了哭闹(我只听懂了she really)求真相- -谢……
Alonzo King Lines Ballet on Instagram Photographer R. J. Muna Kara Wilkes, Alonzo King Lines Ballet, San Francisco, California, USA. Note: Original quality of photographs may be affected by compression algorithm of the websites where they are hosted. ...
King Julien is here to party, and no one can stop him from ruling with an iron fist... in...
Viktoriya Baghramyan Popova ВикторияБаграмянПопова, “Pink Waltz Розовый Bальс” from“The NutcrackerЩелкунчик”, libretto by Marius Petipa as adapted by Andrey Petrov АндрейПетров based on the fairy tale “The Nutcracker and...