Chronicles King James' obsession with demons, their alleged attempts on his life, and the first recorded witch trials. This title offers a knowledgeable and sympathetic look at the details of the magick and witchcraft of the...Donald Tyson...
James was a very intelligent man. He was also well read and a talented writer. He encouraged artists while he was king, and he wrote several works himself, including a book on poetry, a tome on demonology, and a treatise on the monarchy. He was a patron of the acting troupe of Willia...
That King James would be very likely to suggest the play of Macbeth is highly possible. George Buchanan, who, as before observed, had been preceptor to the King in his "History of Scotland," published in Edinburgh in 1582, states in the 7th book that the history of Macbeth was well adap...
BookofDaemonologie...14 2.5OtherDemonologistsasSourcesforJames...15 3.TheReligiousReformation’sEffectsonJames’Demonology...17 3.1TheReformation...
the poets early period,not only because he had grown more mature but also because the English society had undergone much fundamental change in the transition from Elizabethan England in the last decades of the 16th century to the new regime of the James I in the early years of 17th century....