19. James 1:5–What does James instruct any that lack wisdom to do? 20. James 3:13b–How will a wise man show his works? 21. James 3:17–Name seven characteristics that describes the wisdom that is“from above.” .” 22. II Peter 3:15–Who did Peter describe as beloved and wise...
I use the King James Version (KJV, 1611) of the Scriptures because I believe It is, in the Providence of God, the finest conveyance of the incomparable Word of Life into the English language, thus, giving the infallible Word of God to the world. "The Scripture cannot be broken" (John...
英国詹姆士国王钦定版圣经(The King James Version of the Holy Bible)简介: The Authorized King James Version is an English translation of the Christian Bible conceived in 1604 and brought to fruition in 1611 by the Church of England.[3] Printed by the King's Printer, Robert Barker,[4] the ...
King James Bible - Learn & Study - Bible 1611 is for those who live at the end of this age … the Age of the Church, and need help in the time of need through salvation obtained through faith by the grace of God in Jesus Christ
James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation Parallel KJV Bibles 1611 KJV Library Authorised VersionKing James Bible 1611SITEMAP Home 1611 King James Bible Parallel KJV Bibles KJV 1611 Library Textus Receptus Masoretic Text LEGAL...
NOTE: This 1611 King James Bible facsimile is no longer available, however… a full color high resolution digital edition of the 1611 King James Bible is available for free online access at BIBLES-ONLINE.NET About the 1611 King James Bible...
NOTE: This 1611 King James Bible facsimile is no longer available, however… a full color high resolution digital edition of the 1611 King James Bible ...
The King James & Clementine Vulgate E-Bibles - Welcome to ourOn-Line Bibles ,which comprise all 66 books of theAuthorised King James Version,first published in 1611, &The Sacred Bible, Clementine Vulgate Edition, text from an edition published in 1914, edited byRevd. P. Michael Hetzenauer....
2011. Bible: The Story of King James Version, 1611-2011. www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8aYwLagbrM (accessed 30 January 2013).Campbell, Gordon. Bible: The Story of the King James Version, 1611-2011. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010....
1611年出版,通行世界已有四百多年的钦定本圣经(Authorized Version,简称AV),又称英王钦定本(King James Version简称KJV),被公认为是最具权威性的英文圣经翻译。许多属灵的伟人,包括天路历程的作者约翰•班扬,带领英国福音复兴的约翰•卫斯理,现代复兴之父查尔斯•芬尼,伟大的布道家德怀特•慕迪,以及来华宣教的戴...