Henry II- king of France from 1547 to 1559; regained Calais from the English; husband of Catherine de Medicis and father of Charles IX (1519-1559) Valois- French royal house from 1328 to 1589 2.Henry II- first Plantagenet King of England; instituted judicial and financial reforms; quarreled...
In October 1938, Ferguson demonstrates his latest tractor to Henry Ford at Dearborn, and they make the famous “handshake agreement.” He takes with him his latest patents covering future improvements to the Ferguson tractor and it is these that lead to the Ford-Ferguson 9N introduction to the...
Margaret Jack the last remaining member of the family died in 1962 and this brought to an end the 112 year Jack family business. All that remained of the family holdings, which were in her possession and care, went to Stanford University. The bequest was said to have been the largest sinc...
King Henry Died Miserable Death Called Missels King Henry Died Monday Drinking Chocolate Milk King Henry Died Mother Didn't Care Much King Henry Died Unexpectedly Drinking Chocolate Milk King Henry Doesn't Mind Drinking Chocolate Milk King Henry Doesn't Mind Drinking Cold Milk King Henry Doesn't...
Define King Herod. King Herod synonyms, King Herod pronunciation, King Herod translation, English dictionary definition of King Herod. Known as "the Great." 73?-4 bc. King of Judea who, according to the New Testament, attempted to kill the infant Jesus b