The Great Seal of Francis II of France and Mary Queen of Scots, as King and Queen of France, Scotland, England, and IrelandHenry. F Holt
1. (Biography) 1544–60, king of France (1559–60); son of Henry II and Catherine de' Medici; first husband of Mary, Queen of Scots 2. (Biography) 1768–1835, last Holy Roman Emperor (1792–1806) and, as Francis I, first emperor of Austria (1804–35). The Holy Roman Empire was...
比如英国光荣革命罢黜大搞复辟的英国最后一任实权国王詹姆斯二世(James II)之后,让他的大女儿玛丽二世(Mary II)及其丈夫威廉三世(William III)共治英国,两个人都是 King/Queen regnant,被称为共治君主(co-monarch/co-regency),从此开始了英国君主立宪的虚君时代。 2、Kingjure uxoris 欧洲历史上有一种比较少见的...
Mary Queen of Scots Mary I Elizabeth I The list of the dead and commemorated is a veritable who’s who of Britons past: a galaxy of big brains – Newton, Hawking, Darwin; a symphony of composers – Purcell, Vaughan Williams, Elgar; a company of luvvies – including Laurence Olivier; and...
James’ parents, Henry, Lord Darnley and Mary, Queen of Scots; Credit – Wikipedia James was only eight months old when his father was murdered by an explosion atKirk o’ Field, the house where he was staying in Edinburgh, Scotland. When James was 11 months old, Protestant rebels arrested...
King of France (1547-1559). The son of Francis I, he regained Calais from the English (1558). American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All...
Mary, Queen of Scots was executed a year later. James was distantly related to Elizabeth, whose father was King Henry VIII. Margaret Tudor, sister of Henry VII, was an ancestor of James. Elizabeth's trusted advisor Lord Cecil was convinced that having James succeed Elizabeth as the ruler of...
When Mary Queen of Scots returned to her native Scotland from France she was astounded and not a little put out that the men continued to wear their hats while sitting down to eat at her banquets. It was then pointed out to the young Queen that this was not a sign of disrespect to he...
King James Crowned at the Age of One Prince James became King of Scotland on July 24, 1567, at the age of 13 months, after his mother Mary, Queen of Scots was forced to abdicate. Mary fled to England, where she was imprisoned for the next 19 years. His father, Lord Darnley, had ...
How did Queen Isabella of England die? How did Catherine of Aragon's first son die? How did Mary, Queen of Scots die? How did Anne of Cleves died? How did Henry Ford's mom die? Who was King Henry VIII's mother? How does Mary, Queen of Scots' husband Francis die?