46 Bedford Square WC1B 3DP Tel 020 7291 8700 Monday-Friday 09.00-12.00 & 13.00-16.00 Visa Section – 21 Bedford Square Avenue, London WC1B 3AS Monday-Friday 09.00-17.00 HIS EXCELLENCY DR RUI JORGE CARNEIRO MANGUEIRAmAmbassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary (since 30 April 2018) Mrs Maria ...
Item: I bequeath, to mykinsmenandkinswomen,Edward Peachy,John Peachy,Anne PeachyandJoane Peachy, the sum of10 shillingsof lawful money of Englandto each of them. Item: I give to mykinswoman Susan Purcasthe sum of40 shillingsof lawful money of England to be paid to her within 3 month...