This victory over the nobility may thus have ensured the end of major civil wars in France until the French Revolution about a century later. France as the pivot of warfare Louis XIV Under Louis, France was the leading European power, and most wars pivoted around its aggressiveness. No ...
SALT RIVER PROJECT: SUPERIOR TO SILVER KING 115 kV TRANSMISSION LINE REROUTE, PINAL COUNTY, ARIZONA Prepared by: William L. Deaver Reviewed and Submitted by: Fred Huntington 4001 East Paradise Falls Drive Tucson, Arizona 85712 (520) 206-9585 Cultural Resourc...
United Kingdom - Charles I, Civil War, Restoration: Father and son could hardly be more different than were James and Charles. Charles was shy and physically deformed. He had a speech defect that made his pronouncements painful for him and his audiences
Saul was the first king of Israel (c. 1021–1000 bce). According to the biblical account found mainly in 1 Samuel, Saul was chosen king both by the judge Samuel and by public acclamation. Saul was similar to the charismatic judges who preceded him in the
And then there was the English Civil War that began in 1642, a war that neither king, Parliament, nor the country wanted. It was a war that was as dangerous to win as to lose. The parliamentarians could only maintain the fiction that they were fighting to “preserve the safety of the...