Violence against women and girls (VAWG) continues to be a prevalent phenomenon, yet where it is more likely to occur in the public domain and how offenders assault victims remain understudied areas of interest. This analysis is based on police records on
14.20 mile(s) from St. Joseph's University, Students come to Saint Joseph's University seeking a values-based learning experience. They join a community that regards questions of ethics, morality and faith as centrally important to human existence. ...
A Question of Ethics Beaufort County Commissioner Hood Richardson has long objected to the manner in which the Center-Left Coalition, and their associative bureaucrats conduct business, and, in that vein of purpose, the Commissioner is requesting an opinion regardi...
1), which were the Baoshan-Liudaogou site group at Linjiang City (abbreviated to LDG below) and the Gaocheng site at Wangqing County (abbreviated to GC below). Hundreds of copper ores and smelting slags were excavated, and over 50 pieces were sampled for this investigation [5, 9]. LDG...
Ethics declarations Competing interests The authors declare no conflict of interest. Additional information Supplementary Information accompanies this paper on European Journal of Human Genetics website Supplementary information Supplementary Figures (PDF 574 kb) Rights and permissions This work is licensed unde...
This investigation was approved by the University of Portsmouth’s Science Faculty Ethics Committee (Reference Number: SHFEC 2021084) prior to any data collection. 2.2. Data processing and analyses Survey data were checked, cleaned and prepared for analysis in Microsoft Excel. Data were analysed in...
(MD), Maidu County. The soil attached to the rhizomes ofP. kingianum(5 years old) was collected (Table1).The rhizomes were gently shaken to remove the bulk soil, and the soil remaining on the rhizomes surface were considered the rhizosphere. The rhizosphere was placed in sterile 0.9% ...
respectively) and were reimbursed by the survey company for their time. Ethical approval for the study was provided by the Research Governance Committee at University of Sheffield (Reference number: 033759) and approved by the School of Psychology Ethics Filter Committee at Ulster University (Reference...
coinciding with concentration of cases in the south-eastern-most corner of the 12 county outbreak region during the outbreak peak and followed by a wider geographic spread of sc6 after March 1. This is consistent with the relative branching order and estimated ages of sc1 and sc6 inferred from...