Lucidity's is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breeder in Vancouver, BC, Canada (2.5 hours away from Seattle, WA). We breed show & health tested Cavaliers and occasionally have puppies available to loving homes. offers factual information on the cavalier King Charles spaniel, including the genetic health disorders afflicting the breed.
cavalier (redirected fromCavalier King Charles) Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia cav·a·lier (kăv′ə-lîr′) n. 1.A gallant or chivalrous man, especially one serving as escort to a woman of high social position; a gentleman. 2.A mounted soldier; a knight. ...
Girl 1: (white marks) VENUS Girl 2: (tan points) AMORE Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? The GIRLS are both spoken for but there may be a BOY available.Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place...
AKC cavalier puppies. OFA health certified. Champion bloodlines. Hand raised in my home! Breeder of cavalier puppies for 20 years. Beautiful and healthy puppies available at Sophia's Hearth Cavaliers
骑士查理王猎犬 英文名字叫:Cavalier King Charles,起源于1920年的英国。主要是用于玩赏的狗狗,长毛小猎犬在17世纪的欧洲宫廷很常见,并且长出现在当时的各种油画作品中。骑士猎犬实在1945年,由英国养狗人俱乐部等级注册为独立的品种。骑士查理王猎犬身高31厘米至33厘米,体重5公斤至8公斤,头部不拱起且平坦的头骨,一...
骑士查理士王小猎犬,性格活泼、气质文雅、体型匀称,是一种非常美丽大方的玩具犬。很爱运动、勇敢又可爱。它的典型特征就是保持天然的状态,无需经过修整、雕琢或人为改变。 来自英国,起源于15世纪。很多权威人士认为它起源于日本或中国。也是一种极其古老的品种了,散发着天然的贵族气质,展出了真正的高贵和王室风貌。长...
语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Cavalier King Charles Spaniel This dog is very _1 (access) and likes getting close to everyone it meets. This kind of dog is so cute that even though it might have never seen you _2 , if it sees you sitting down ...
Welcome to Coloora Cavalier King Charles SpanielsColoora is a small kennel situated in Wagga Wagga, NSW, we have been involved with Cavaliers, Showing & Breeding since 1996, we strive to produce Cavaliers that are sound and adapt well to family life....
【整体外貌】骑士查理士王猎犬是一种活泼,漂亮,体态匀称的小猎犬,天性快乐,勇敢,好动,但同时又极富绅士风度,感情丰富。快乐的天性和优雅高贵的外表是骑士查理士王猎犬最重要的特征,不加修饰的自然外表对骑士查理士王猎犬很重要。 【大小,比例和结构】大小——身高 30.5~33.0厘米;体重与身高成比例,在 5.90~816千克...