Chronogram on the beheading of King Charles Idoi:10.1093/nq/s1-VI.164.576bCowper B. HNotes and Queries
all of which were placed in an appendix and some of which were also printed as fold-outs. In the juxtapositions below, note how Huebner has placed Hooke’s illustration of his equipment at the end of the Preface.
With the assistance of his powerful adviser Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, Henry petitioned Pope Clement VII but was rebuffed due to pressure from Catherine’s nephew, the Holy Roman EmperorCharles V. Wolsey was forced from power for his failure and died in 1530 awaiting trial for treason. With the ...
Pluto conjunct Ain: Charles de Gaulle 0°05′ (and Neptune), Max Götze 0°40′, Jawaharlal Nehru 0°44′, Isaac Newton 0°52′, Agatha Christie 0°56′ (and Neptune), Erwin Rommel 1°11′ (and Neptune). North Node conjunct Ain: Andy Warhol 0°27′. South Node conjunct Ain: Tom...
In response, Louis rebelled in a very teenage way: He plotted a coup de d’etat of his own mother. Oh, and the best part? He used his BFF Charles d’Albert to do it, who he quickly promoted to the Duke of Luynes. It got ugly fast. ...
On June 1, 1866, Charles Benedict, the father of the American eugenics movement, was born. Mercury was conjunct Algol. He sterilized 60,000 “unfit” or mutant Americans and “strongly influenced the Holocaust in Europe”. [10] On July 16, 1945, we exploded the first nuclear bomb, the ...
LONDON -- When King Charles I stepped onto the scaffolding outside Banqueting House more than 350 years ago for execution as a traitor, one of the last things he said was "Remember."U.S. NewspapersThe Florida Times Union
Byline: JULIAN CHAMPKINSHE carried a king's treasure and may even have determined his fate.In 1633, as Charles I watched, the good ship Blessing of Burntisland sank in a squall in the Firth of Forth, sending 30 of his courtiers and up to a fifth of his nation's wealth to the ...