overseas cereal producers fully penetrated the Britishmarket. In 1877 the price of English wheat stood at 56shillings9 pence a quarter (compared with 54 shillings 6 pence in 1846); for the rest of the century, it never again came within 10shillingsof that figure. During the 1890s, ther...
Unlike most of my friends when I was growing up I always preferred Burger King over McDonalds. My Dad used to take me to the BK at the old pre-90s Menlo Park Mall and I absolutely loved every second of it. To say I miss the old look of the exterior of BK is an understatement. I...
but at the end of the day, they want their coffee to be ground and their cereal to have milk in it. They want it to taste good and they want it to be available. Simplicity is an incredibly powerful idea which I often muck up as I think a...
overseas cereal producers fully penetrated the Britishmarket. In 1877 the price of English wheat stood at 56shillings9 pence a quarter (compared with 54 shillings 6 pence in 1846); for the rest of the century, it never again came within 10shillingsof that figure. During the 1890s, ther...