当我每天抱怨自己的工作,生活的时候,我会想到baldwin IV--一个身患麻风病人的生命极限成就尚如此,我为什么不能做到更好? 题外话,电影天国王朝里面爱德华-诺顿演的baldwin很传神。由于带着面具,诺顿仅仅依靠眼神,动作和声音就演活了整个人物,可以说是整个电影里面最出彩的人物,也是我心中baldwin的最佳注释。 天国王朝中...
电影《天国王朝》中的King Baldwin并非完全虚构,他的形象部分基于历史上真实存在的耶路撒冷国王鲍德温四世(Baldwin IV of Jerusalem)。鲍德温四世是耶路撒冷王国的第六任君主,生活在12世纪,以其卓越的军事才能和政治智慧著称。尽管身患麻风病,但他依然成功领导耶路撒冷王国度过了多次危机,与穆斯林...
The reign of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem (1174-85) has traditionally been seen as a period of decline when, because of the king's illness, power came to be held by those who made the wrong policy decisions. Notably, they ignored the advice of Raymond of Tripoli and attacked Saladin. ...
The greatest of the Christian kings to rule Jerusalem during the Crusades began life as a hapless boy who seemed unfit to rule. [ FROM PUBLISHER]TSURUOKADOUGEBSCO_bspInvestors Business Daily
《The Leper King and his Heirs:Baldwin IV and the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem》作者:Cambridge University Press,出版社:2005年7月,ISBN:。ThereignofKingBaldwinIVofJerusalem(1174-85)hastrad
Sibyl was the queen of the crusader state of Jerusalem (1186–90). The daughter of Amalric I, Sibyl succeeded to the throne upon the death of her brother, Baldwin IV (1185). Baldwin had intended for the throne to pass directly to Sibyl’s son Baldwin V,
Baldwin IV of Jerusalem Contracting Leprosy in the Middle Ages wasn't exactly most peoples' idea of a good time. This relatively suck-tastic illness was a debilitating, crippling, at-the-time-incurable plague that causes permanent, irreparable damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, eyes, and balls...
Jerusalem Edward Norton ... King Baldwin Lotfi Yahya Jedidi ... Old Ibelin Housekeeper (as Lofti Yahya Jedidi) Samira Draa ... Sibylla's Maid Ulrich Thomsen ... Templar Master Matthew Rutherford ... Rider Michael Fitzgerald ... Humphrey ...
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny(2023) Jeremy Irons Tiberias Dead Ringers(1988) Jon Finch Jerusalem Frenzy(1972) Edward Norton King Baldwin Fight Club(1999) Lotfi Yahya Jedidi Old Ibelin Housekeeper (as Lofti Yahya Jedidi) The City of Lost Children(1995) ...
King Baldwin IV:Send word to Balian to protect the villagers. King Baldwin IV:Assemble the army. [the Templars cheer] King Baldwin IV:On your knees... lower. I am... Jerusalem. And you, Reynald, will give me the kiss of peace. ...