Sir Kay could not lie on the Bible. “From Arthur,he said.Sir Ector turned to Arthur, “How did you get it?Arthur explained what had happened. Sir Ectorlooked at the boy and then said, “Because you pulled thesword from the stone, you will be king. Arthur stared at his father, ...
4.石中剑在回应我。/The Sword in the Stone is responding to me.(攻击台词) 5.上啊!/Come on!(一技能台词) 6.身为国王,怎可临阵脱逃?/As a king, how can escape from the battlefield?(二妓能台词) 7.石中剑会保护我。/The Sword in the Stone will protect me.(三技能台词) 8.叛国者,接受审...
KingArthur&TheSwordintheStone OnceuponatimeinBritain…AkingnamedUtherPendragonlovedtheDuchessofCornwall,Igraine,butshewasalreadymarriedtoDukeGorlois.Merlin,themagician,saidhewouldhelpif Uthergavehimhisfirstson…TherewasapowerfulwizardcalledMerlin,whohaddeepandancientmagicwithinhim.Oneday,hesetouttovisittheking...
When Kay looked at it, he saw at once that it was thewondrous10sword from the stone. In great joy he sought his father, and showing it to him, said: "Then must I be King of Britain." But Sir Ector bade him say how he came by the sword, and when Sir Kay told how Arthur had...
The Sword in the Stone = 石中剑 King Pellinore Merlin 是” 梅林“ Excalibur 是” 王者之剑“(王者之剑与石中剑是亚瑟王至尊的王权象徵) 在亚瑟王传说中,拔出石中剑、登基为王的亚瑟在与 注意了! 2.那场违背骑士精神的决斗时什么意思? 答案是”称霸大陆之战“ 分析总结。 当初亚瑟王从石中拔出了...
King Arthur and the Sword in the Stone (II):At once there were fierce quarrels, each man clamouring to be the first to try his fortune, none doubting his own success. Then the Archbishop decreed that each should make the venture in turn, from t
King Arthur-The sword in the stone 122019-05 3 King Arthur-The Sword in The Stone 52019-05 4 The Knight 202019-04 5 on the earth I love stand 152019-04 6 Husky Adventure 192019-03 7 Husky Adventure 112019-03 8 once the wind 72019-03 9 Husky Adventure 242019-03 10 Husky Adventure ...
"the knightsproclaimed,and they allpledgedtheirloyaly tothe new King of Britain.What is the name ofthe sword in the stone?a.Utherb.Arthurc. Excaliburd. Sir KayWhy is the sword so important?Why is it strange that Arthur was able to drawthe sword from the stone?Why did Sir Kay put ...
The Lengend of King Arthur全套书从讲述魔法师梅林成长历程的《非凡男孩》开始,到亚瑟王朝灭亡的《圣城陨落》,按照时间顺序串联起重要人物和事件,为我们展现了史诗般的中世纪传奇故事。 《非凡男孩》、《黑暗女巫》、《石中剑》分别完整讲述了魔法师梅林、女巫摩根·勒菲、亚瑟王的青少年成长历程,孩子可以通过对比不同的...