Kingdom Hearts Union χ, previously titled Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ, is a remake of and sequel to Kingdom Hearts χ, released on iOS and Android. The plot is structured in two halves, with the second part coinciding with the Kingdom Hearts Union...
King Julien the Terrible(deceased ancestor) Captain Ethan(deceased) Butterfly Queen(deceased) Karen(ex girlfriend, deceased) Wigman Wildebeest(deceased) Koto(deceased) Chantel DuBois Savio Clemson Dr. Blowhole Raised in Island of Madagascar Resides in ...
The Queen, known in her disguised form as The Old Peddler Woman, The Witch, or the Hag, is an antagonist in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts χ. She originally appeared in the animated film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. She is the...
A Recipe is a type of item introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. They are used in item synthesis. In Kingdom Hearts II, each Recipe allows the creation of an item at the Moogle Shop. When a recipe is found, it is stored as a unique item, and is...
Save the Queen+(1 Orichalcum) Save the King(1 Orichalcum) Save the King+(1 Orichalcum) Fire Chain(1 Orichalcum) Blizzard Chain(1 Orichalcum) Thunder Chain(1 Orichalcum) Dark Chain(1 Orichalcum) Aqua Chaplet(1 Orichalcum)
A dwarf king, h, is a type of monster that appears in NetHack. A dwarf king is a humanoid monster that is the strongest type of dwarf, possessing infravision and the ability to tunnel with a digging tool like other dwarves. A dwarf king has two weapon at
How tall is King in One Piece and how does his height compare to other characters? King's height is 613 cm, making him one of the tallest members of the Beasts Pirates. He is just slightly taller than Queen (612 cm), but shorter than Kaidou (710 cm), Black Maria (820 cm) and Ja...
The Gear Matrix handles Data-Sora's equipment in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, including Keyblades, accessories, and Finish commands. In effect, the Gear Matrix determines how the Overclock system is implemented.
But King Stefan, still fearful of his daughter's life, did then and there decree that every spinning wheel in the kingdom should on that very day be burnt. So it was done.Narration describing Stefan as he tries to save his daughter's life King Stefan is
Xion is the Rank XIV member of the original Organization XIII as well as a member of the real Organization XIII. She debuted in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days as one of the game's main characters. She is not a normal Nobody and only a nominal member of...