a.(in Thomas Hardy's works) the southwestern counties of England, esp Dorset b.(as modifier):Wessex Poems. n (Biography)Earl of WessexSeeEdward22 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007,...
0rderofSt.MichaelandSt.GeorgerG. C.M.G.)(Unitedkingdom),1986;The OrderoftheGoldenArerThe Netherlands).1986;GrandGwanghwa OrderofDiplomaticService—Merit WangchucktothethroneofBhutan.1972. . AttheWeddingofThePrinceof%lesof theUnitedKingdoml981. ...
3. (Biography) 1566–1625, king of England and Ireland (1603–25) and, as James VI, king of Scotland (1567–1625), in succession to Elizabeth I of England and his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, respectively. He alienated Parliament by his assertion of the divine right of kings, his fav...
BIOGRAPHY OF GORAN MILEVSKI, MINISTER OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT It will participate in many sailing festivals and maritime events that will begin from the Kingdom of Netherlands and end in the Kingdom of Denmark. It will also participate in the long sailboat regattas, beginning in the Kingdom of De...
1154–89, last Norman king of Sicily (1166–89) 3. (Biography) 1792–1849, king of the Netherlands (1840–49); son of William I 4. (Biography) German name Kaiser Wilhelm. 1859–1941, German emperor and king of Prussia (1888–1918): asserted Germany's claim to world leadership; ...
3.(Biography) known asWilliam the Silent.1533–84, prince of Orange and count of Nassau: led the revolt of the Netherlands against Spain (1568–76) and became first stadholder of the United Provinces of the Netherlands (1579–84); assassinated ...