内容提示: 我是乌特雷德之子乌特雷德 I am Uhtred, son of Uhtred... 生来是撒克逊人 是伟大堡垒贝班堡的合法继承人 born a Saxon and rightful heir to the great fortress Bebbanburg. 我为韦塞克斯的阿尔弗雷德国王 战斗多年 For many years, I fought for King Alfred of Wessex... 帮他实现统一各国...
我是乌特雷德之子乌特雷德 I am Uhtred, son of Uhtred... 生来是撒克逊人 是伟大堡垒贝班堡的合法继承人 born a Saxon and rightful heir to the great fortress Bebbanburg. 我为韦塞克斯的阿尔弗雷德国王 战斗多年 For many years, I fought for King Alfred of Wessex... 帮他实现统一各国 创立英格兰...
Very young children go to nursery schools or stay at home with a child minder(照顾者). 2 people usually live in their own homes or a nursing home if they cannot look after themselves. British parents 3 to spend their free time with their children going to the cinema, museu...
Harold and Edith had at least five children. This "Danish marriage", as contemporaries called it, "must have bound Harold closely through ties of kinship and marriage to many Anglo-Scandinavian lords settled in his earldom". (6) Harold of Wessex Edward the Confessor became concerned about the...
Alfred the Great was the King of___.Alfred the Great was the King of__. A. Susssex B. Essex C. Wessex D. Mercia 答案: C 涉及知识点:英国国家概况©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
Name: King Alfred the GreatFather: Aethelwulf, King of WessexMother: OsburhBorn: c.849 at Wantage, BerkshireMarried: Ealhswith of MerciaChildren: 5 childrenDied: 899Buried at: WinchesterAnglo-Saxon king 871–899 who defended England against Danish invasion and founded the first English navy. ...
dun. I also look at Alfred's refuge at Athelney, on the Somerset Levels, and speculate as to where he might have been before he arrived there (was he in Devon?). I also spent some time trying to understand King Alfred's relationship with London and his expanding influence beyond Wessex...
Winchester, Wessex; Following the Battle of Ashdown, the Wessex army have claimed a victory but King Æthelred has been gravely injured by an axe blow. Uhtred and Brida remain locked in a prison cell at the behest of Alfred. Uhtred is determined to use the Saxons to his personal adva...
King Alfred KingAlfredtheGreat849-899 KingAlfredofWessexistheonlyKingtobegiventhetitleof"TheGreat".Thisstatueofhimstandsinhiscapital,Winchester.KingAlfredsuccessfullydefendedhisKingdom,whichwastobecomeEnglandafterhisdeath,againsttheDanishVikings,andchampionededucation,andtheruleofLaw AlfredtheGreat(849–26October...
I am Uhtred of Bebbanburg and I shall take what is mine. 但我成了阿尔弗雷德国王手下 最得力的剑客 But I became King Alfred's greatest sword warrior, 为他守卫韦塞克斯王国 辅佐他一统英格兰 defending his kingdom of Wessex and his vision of one united England,... ...