#飞机 #kingair350 King Air B350是美国贝奇飞机公司的一款轻型多用途飞机,: 双涡轮螺旋桨发动机,采用低翼单翼布局。 最大载客量为10人。 最大航程超过3,000公里。 飞行速度约为500公里/小时。 高 - 老高不老于20230930发布在抖音,已经收获了288.8万个喜欢,来抖音,
Max Certified Altitude: 35,000 Fuel Cost: Cost Per Gallon: $5.47 Private Jet Fuel Consumption: Fuel Consumption, US Gallons Per Hour: 123 Fuel Burn: 600nm (Per Hour Based On 15% APU/T/TO/T): 1,529 Get Market Analysis for the King Air 350iER Click Here Jet...
为什么不建议你买King Air350飞机#飞机 #飞行员 #科普 - 屠屠老湿于20221126发布在抖音,已经收获了177.5万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
King Air 350 app is developed by Wilco Aviation. We are also pilots as you. We understand your needs. We know what you need to plan a flight and serve you. Thi…
The King Air 350 is so widely popular due to its performance matching that of a midsize jet, for a fraction of the cost. So, to be accurate in comparisons, the King Air should be compared to the midsize jet market. The King Air 350 cruises at 320 Knots per hour. Like many jets...
美制单位发动机: Pratt & Whitney PT6A-60A 1,050 shaft 马力燃油量: 539 美制加仑最大总重: 5,524 磅长度: 46.7英尺翼展: 57.9英尺高度: 14.3英尺座位: 最大为11有效载荷: 5910 磅公制单位巡航速度: 583km/h发动机: Pratt & Whitney PT6A-60A 1,050 shaft 马力最大航程: 3509公里...
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Private Jet Comparison Private Jet Charter Aviation Services Insurance Resources Contact Us 617.600.6990 King Air 350CInterior Exterior Cockpit Cabin Performance Specs Operating Costs King Air 350C - Performance Get Market Analysis for the King Air 350C Click Here Jet...
2022年10月12日,JustFlight在商店中发布了全新的King Air350(Black Square), 这是一款基于默认飞机为基础,开发出的一款新飞机,“Black Square”制作组对每一个飞机细节进行还原,其重现了King Air350的经典款…… 我们以微软模拟飞行默认的King Air350i为基础,开发出了一款全新的研究机飞机。该飞机具有高度拟真的...