16-1 The kinetic-molecular model of ideal gas 1.分子看作质点 2.分子除碰撞瞬间外无相互作用力 3.完全弹性碰撞,碰撞后动能不变 4.每个分子运动速度的大小与方向均完全随机,随机性不受碰撞改变 推论1:平衡态时分子数密度一致推论2:平衡态分子速度按方向分布是各项均匀的,即具有同样速率的分子于各速度方向上...
What is the Kinetic Theory of Ideal Gases? In solids, the constituent particles(like atoms in molecules) cannot movely, but in the case of fluids(liquid and gas), the atoms or molecules are to move. In the case of gases, the intermolecular forces are so small that the molecules can mov...
第六章 气体动理论 (Kinetic theory of gases)第六章气体动理论 (Kinetictheoryofgases)从分子热运动观点出发,依赖微观粒子的力学规律,运用统计方法研究气体分子热运动的宏观性质和变化规律。寻求宏观量与微观量之间的关系,揭示气体宏观热现象及其规律的微观本质。§6.1状态、过程与理想气体States,ProcessandIdealgas ...
kinetic theory of gas气体动力学理论
Chapter 16 Kinetic Theory of Gases 16-1 The Ideal Gas Law and the Molecular Interpretation of Temperature 16-2 Distribution of Molecular Speeds 16-6 Mean Free Path Our first model of a many-particle system: the Ideal Gas 16-1 The Ideal Gas Law and the ...
Kinetic Theory of Gases and Statstical Mechanics:气体动力学理论和统计力学 热度: The Property of Gases - Kinetic Molecular Theory:气体分子运动理论-财产 热度: 气体燃料船舶动力系统风险评估研究 热度: 相关推荐 普通物理CH19 紋的筆記 CH19動能 KineticTheory (氣體動力論) 亞佛加覺常數(...
Kinetic Theory of GasesIn the simplest model of an ideal gas, which was presented in the previous chapter, we consider each atom/molecule to be a hard sphere that collides elastically with other atoms/molecules or with the walls of the container holding the gas....
23. The Second Law of Thermodynamics3h 11m 21. Kinetic Theory of Ideal Gases Topic summary Created using AI The average kineticenergy(KE) of an idealgasis described by the equation K = 3/2kT, where K is the average kinetic energy, k is the Boltzmann constant, and T is thetemp...
Chapter 20 kinetic theory of gases.ppt,Key words and Terms;20.1 The ideal gas law 15-2,3,4,5,6 ; 研究对象; 宏观量Macroscopic quantities : 表示大量分子集体特征的物理量(可直接测量), 如 P,V,T 等.;System(系统): Objects that we want to consider P408 ;20.1
英语翻译Van der Waals bonds are familiar from the kinetic theory of gases as the forces responsible for the deviation of the behaviour of a gas from that of an ideal gas