The simple structure of gases makes them readily adaptable to mathematical analysis from which has evolved a detailed theory of the behavior of gases. This is called the kinetic theory of gases. The theory assumes that a body of gas is composed of identi
In its simplest form the theory is based upon the following premises: (1) a gas is composed of an enormous number of molecules; (2) in the absence of external forces particles move in straight lines(1); (3) particles collide infrequently; (4) collisions, whether with the walls or with...
For this reason, the molecules are in free motion most of the time. In the kinetic theory of gases the observed macroscopic effects (pressure, diffusion, heat conduction, and so on) are regarded as the mean result of the action of all of the molecules in the gas being studied. For ...
哈里德物理学基础学习指导19thekinetictheoryofgases Chapter19 TheKineticTheoryofGases Gasesconsistofmanymolecules,often1020ormore.Notallofthesearetravellinginthesamedirection,or evenatthesamespeed.Howcanwedealwithsomanyobjects?Whenthenumbersarethatlarge,statistics worksvery,verywell. Whateverasinglemoleculedoes,...
2 The kinetic theory of gases deals with how molecular movement causes pressure to be exerted by a gas. The pressure of a gas is due to the elastic collision of the gas molecules with the walls of a container. A single molecule of mass m is travelling with speed u directly towards a ...
kinetic theory of gas气体动力学理论
Chapter 16 Kinetic Theory of Gases 16-1 The Ideal Gas Law and the Molecular Interpretation of Temperature 16-2 Distribution of Molecular Speeds 16-6 Mean Free Path Our first model of a many-particle system: the Ideal Gas 16-1 The Ideal Gas Law and the ...
The test of the kinetic molecular theory (KMT) and its postulates is its ability to explain and describe the behavior of a gas. The various gas laws (Boyle’s, Charles’s, Gay-Lussac’s, Avogadro’s, and Dalton’s laws) can be derived from the assumption
wemaydenotepatheprobabilityoffindingtheirvelocitiesintheinterval[va,va+1]. ElementaryProbabilityTheory Now,theaveragesbecome Inthecontinuousversion,wemaydenotep(v)dvtheprobabilityoffindingparticles’velocitiesintheinterval[v,v+dv]. AssumptionsoftheIdealGasModel Largenumberofmoleculesandlargeaverageseparation(...
YOUR correspondent, Mr. Guthrie, has pointed out an, at first sight, very obvious and very serious objection to my kinetic theory of a vertical column of gas. According to that theory, a vertical column of gas acted on by gravity would be in thermal equilibrium if it were at a uniform ...