Kinetic Theory of Gas is the basis of the Ideal gas equation i.e. \({\rm{PV = nRT}}\). According to this, there is no attractive force between gaseous molecules and individual gas molecules that occupy almost negligible volume as compared to the total volume of gases in a container. B...
elementary kinetic theorymean free pathBoltzmann's kinetic equationChapman-Enskog techniqueGrad's moment expansionSummary This chapter deals with the kinetic theory of rarefied gases of monatomic molecules, and it is strongly focused on Boltzmann's kinetic equation. An elementary kinetic theory approach ...
the behaviour of ideal gases. This theory assumes that ideal gas molecules neither attract nor repel each other. Average kinetic energy of gas molecules is directly proportional to the absolute temperature. A gas equation called kinetic gas equation was derived on the basis of kinetic theory ...
The main task of the kinetic theory of gases is the determination (from the Boltzmann equation) of the form of the distribution function f, since knowledge of f(v, r, t) makes possible calculation of the mean quantities that characterize the state of the gas and the processes occurring in...
第六章气体动理论 (Kinetictheoryofgases)从分子热运动观点出发,依赖微观粒子的力学规律,运用统计方法研究气体分子热运动的宏观性质和变化规律。寻求宏观量与微观量之间的关系,揭示气体宏观热现象及其规律的微观本质。§6.1状态、过程与理想气体States,ProcessandIdealgas •一、热力学系统与外界thermodynamicssystemand...
Chapter 16 Kinetic Theory of Gases 16-1 The Ideal Gas Law and the Molecular Interpretation of Temperature 16-2 Distribution of Molecular Speeds 16-6 Mean Free Path Our first model of a many-particle system: the Ideal Gas 16-1 The Ideal Gas Law and the ...
2 The kinetic theory of gases deals with how molecular movement causes pressure to be exerted by a gas. The pressure of a gas is due to the elastic collision of the gas molecules with the walls of a container. A single molecule of mass m is travelling with speed u directly towards a ...
kinetic theory of gas气体动力学理论
Chapter 20 kinetic theory of gases.ppt,Key words and Terms;20.1 The ideal gas law 15-2,3,4,5,6 ; 研究对象; 宏观量Macroscopic quantities : 表示大量分子集体特征的物理量(可直接测量), 如 P,V,T 等.;System(系统): Objects that we want to consider P408 ;20.1
(redirected fromKinetic theory of gas) Thesaurus Encyclopedia kinetic theory n. A theory of the thermodynamic behavior of matter, especially the relationships among pressure, volume, and temperature in gases, based on the dependence of temperature on the kinetic energy of the rapidly moving particles...