Journal2018, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Zo-Ee Tang, ... Keat-Teong Lee4 Kinetic study One of the crucial objectives to conduct kinetic studies is to design a suitable reactor in a scaled-up biodiesel production plant for the industrial development of the process. At the same time...
See alsoFigures S1,S2, andS3. To systematically assess cellular protein degradation kinetics, we sought to perform pulse-chase experiments on a proteome-wide scale. The general idea is to metabolically label a population of proteins with a short pulse and then to quantify how much of this popul...
36]. This high magnitude of activation energy has been explained in various ways by many researchers, and a modified form of the Arrhenius model has been proposed to describe nonlinear forms of microbial inactivation curves.
kinetic par ameters (appar ent activation energy Ea and pre— ex pone ntia l f ac tor A 、for noni sotherm al therm al dec omp osi— tion reaction and adiabatic time—to—explosion (tTIad) of HN IW were presented based on A~ henius formula k = Aexp(- E/R T (where E ...