发现流行的除了有ergodox,moonlander,还发现了人体工学老牌Kinesis去年刚刚发布的Kinesis advantage 360(有普通和pro两个版本,pro是带蓝牙的),比起其他同类别产品,蓝牙+zmk固件改键+业界口碑+完美的图骗深深吸引了我,虽然Kinesis的标价一如既往有些高,不过还是决定买回来试试。 以下是开箱图: https://kinesis-ergo....
https://github.com/KinesisCorporation/Adv360-Pro-ZMK/blob/V3.0/CHANGELOG.md How do I switch between Windows, Mac, and PC mode, or Dvorak? The Advantage360 has done away with what were previously known as Thumb Key Modes and the included Dvorak layout. But you can still customize any of...
The changelog for both the config repo and the underlying ZMK fork that the config repo builds against can be foundhere. Beta testing The Advantage 360 Pro is always getting updates and refinements. If you are willing to beta test you can followthis guide from ZMKon how to change where you...