发现流行的除了有ergodox,moonlander,还发现了人体工学老牌Kinesis去年刚刚发布的Kinesis advantage 360(有普通和pro两个版本,pro是带蓝牙的),比起其他同类别产品,蓝牙+zmk固件改键+业界口碑+完美的图骗深深吸引了我,虽然Kinesis的标价一如既往有些高,不过还是决定买回来试试。 以下是开箱图: https://kinesis-ergo....
Advantage360 Pro (ZMK) Reset InstructionsFAQs Switching which device keystrokes are sent to? By default, output is sent to USB when both USB and BLE are connected. Once you select a different output, it will be remembered until you change it again. The output behavior allows selecting whethe...
【Review of the Kinesis Advantage360 Professional】http://t.cn/A6oSKgXl 运动学优势360专业的回顾。
Kinesis Advantage360 分离式有线人体工程学键盘 76键 USB-C 完全可编程 分离式按键设计图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
本人很喜欢 KINESIS Advantage 360, 无奈国内没的卖,海淘质量也没的保证,(嗯,说到底还是海淘太贵)。所以攒了一把ergodone: 但是现在遇到问题是,桌上的线太多了,想整成无线的。但是一直没找到成熟的蓝牙方案(不考虑2.4G是因为笔记本没有usb口插接收器)。
Kinesis 最近开始了新产品 Advantage 360 的预售。 二十年的设计终于有变化了(我猜是迫于ErgoDox和Dactyl越来越受欢迎,躺着赚钱的日子结束了),现在支持分体式、蓝牙、角度调整、ZMK固件和PBT键帽。详见https://kinesis-ergo.com/keyboards/advantage360/。
I accidentally remapped a key, how do I reset it? How do I program special actions to the keyboard?Troubleshooting If your Advantage360 is not working as expected, you have several options. Step 1: Reference the FAQs above and the Troubleshooting Tips at right. Step 2: Open any text ed...
Updating from V2.0 based firmwares to V3.0 based firmwares can be a rather complex process. There are reset files for every major firmware revision as well as documentation on the update process availablehere. Versioning Starting on 11/15/2023 the Advantage 360 Pro will now automatically record ...