EFFECT OF KINESIOLOGY TAPING AFTER ROTATOR CUFF TEARBubelis, JustinasMasiulyt, IevaProfessional Studies: Theory & Practice / Profesines Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika
摘要: Context: Scapular proprioception is a key concern in managing shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS). However, no study has examined the effect of elastic taping on scapular proprioce... 查看全部>>关键词: scapula joint position sense proprioception neuromuscular control kinesiology tape ...
Kase, K. & Stockheimer, K. R.Kinesio Taping for Lymphoedema and Chronic Swelling Manual. (Kinesio Taping). CV Integrative therapies - Kinesiology Taping.http://www.cvintegrativetherapies.com/integrative-therapy.html. Gibbons. J.Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping for Injury Prevention and Common ...
Support and stability:If you have a condition that requires a specific joint to be held in place, kinesiology taping may be right for you.5Conditions like patellofemoral stress syndrome,iliotibial band friction syndrome, or shoulder instability may benefit from extra support provided by kinesiology t...
Rotator cuff injuriesAthletesBACKGROUND: This study aimed to examine the influence of kinesiology taping (KT), various overhead stroke techniques, and their interactions on shoulder girdle muscle activity and on sports performance in badminton players with shoulder impingement syndrome.Fong, Siu-MingNg,...