In doing so, these programs (1) privilege white, heteronormative, lean, and able bodies(2) marginalize the experiences of those who deviate from these identitarian positions, and (3) limit the possibilities for transformation towards inclusive kinesiology in Canada. Recommendations are suggested for ...
FUNAKOSHI Shotokan Karate is the exclusive Funakoshi Shotokan program in the Rosenberg-Richmond Tx. Area. Our Dojo focuses on the fundamental values of Character, Honor, and Tradition. This approach allows students from ages 4 to 94 to participate and experience the beauty, and power of Shotokan...
We have taught classes across the US and Canada. One of our biggest regrets and challenges was trying to reach those of you who are not close to the typical large markets that commonly get live courses. We are so excited to be able to offer this unique and extraordinary learning experience...
Steps taken in three consecu- tive days by 385 obese or overweight men above age 55 living in Alberta, Canada, were measured by the StepsCount SC-01 pedometer; the Rand-12 Status Inventory was used to measure health-related qual- ity of life. The men averaged 8,539 steps per day. ...
We employ Critical Race Theory and theories of whiteness within a case study of eight kinesiology faculties in Canada. The mixed methods data collection included: (a) analysis of website photos and anti-racism documents to determine the perceived racial diversity and anti-racism priority; and (b...