The purpose of this study was to determine and compare the efficacy of kinesio tape and physical therapy modalities in patients with shoulder impingement s
torn medial meniscus, or shoulder subluxation, this kinesiology tape is your go-to solution. The tape's unique wave pattern adhesive backing moves with the skin and muscles, providing a comfortable and non-restrictive experience. The tape's strong stickiness ensures it stays in place during intens...
Kinesio tapinghemiplegic shoulder painstrokeultrasound imagingsubluxationObjective: To investigate the effects of Kinesio taping for stroke patients with hemiplegic shoulder pain.Huang, Yen-ChangChang, Kwang-HwaLiou, Tsan-HonCheng, Chau-WeiLin, Li-FongHuang, Shih-Wei...