ANALISIS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK MENILAI KINERJA KEUANGAN PADA PT BANK TABUNGAN PENSIUNAN NASIONAL (BTPN)This study aims to assess the financial performance of the Bank BTPN is reviewed based onliquidity ratios, profitability ratios, and... FA Marpaung,WS Manoppo,D Keles 被引量: 0发表: 2016...
The objects were Bank Muamalat, Bank Mega Syariah, Bank BNI Syariah, Bank BRI Syariah, and Bank Syariah Mandiri. The profitability of syaria bank as dependent variable was measured by ratio of the net profit to total asset of the syaria bank. Meanwhile, the independent variabels were Capital...
Analisis kinerja keuangan PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. sebelum dan sesudah Go Public dengan menggunakan Surat Keputusan Direksi Bank Indonesia (BI) Nomor... Public Offering (Go Public) is the offering of company's shares or other securities to the public aimed to raise funds essential for...
PT. Bank Central Asia (Persero) Tbk. and PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk. (Hypothesis 1). Similarly, analysis of different test independent samples between each Bank found that there were no significant differences between the financial performance: PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. and PT. BRI (...
Pengaruh Rasio Leverage, Aktivitas, dan Profitabilitas Terhadap Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan Pada Perusahaan Sektor Keuangan Non Bank Yang Terdaftar Di BEI... SA Tanjung - 《Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry》 被引量: 2发表: 2013年 ANALISIS RASIO LIKUIDITAS DAN PROFITABILITAS UNTUK MENGUKUR KINE...
PERSEPSI PENGELOLA KEUANGAN SATUAN KERJA TERHADAP KUALITAS LAYANAN KANTOR PELAYANAN PERBENDAHARAAN NEGARA TANGERANG SEBELUM DAN SESUDAH REFORMASI BIROKRASI Bureaucracy Reforms is one way to improve the performance of the bureaucracy. One indicator to know the bureaucracy performance seen in the public servic...
Budi Cahyadi - Amwaluna: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah - 2019 4.Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Dan Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. Total Bangun Persada Tbk and spring 机译:工作环境和职业健康安全(K3)对PT员工绩效的影响。总计Bangun Persada Tbk Ambarsari Lia...
Perspektif Kinerja Keuangan Bank Syariah di Indonesia 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 2 作者:S Aisjah,E Kusumawati 摘要: Purpose - This study examines the implementation of financial performance system sharia bank based on Bank Indonesia regulatory No.9/1/PBI/2007 is CAMELS method. Design ...
Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan 5 Perusahaan Perbankan Terbesar Periode 2010-2012 Menggunakan DuPont SystemAssessment of corporate performance can be viewed from financial aspect and nonfinancial aspect. This study attempted specifically to measure financial performance by using the DuPont system of financial ...
The World Bank, 2012, Analisis Keuangan Publik Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan 2012 : Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik dan Pengelolaan Keuangan daerah di gerbang Indonesia Timur, The world Bank. Jakarta... TW Bank 被引量: 7发表: 2012年 Analisis Komitmen (Affective, Continuance dan Normative) Terh...