Convert between kinematic viscosity units like centistokes, poise, lentor and more. Kinematic Viscosity Converter The calculator below can be used to convert between kinematic viscosity units: Value (use period as decimal point) m2/sec m2/min m2/hour stokes (cm2/sec) centiStokes (cSt) cm...
eFunda: Glossary: Units: Kinematic Viscosity: Stokes ... Square Centimeter Per Second (cm2/s), Square Foot Per Hour (ft2/h), Square Foot Per Second (ft2/s), ... eFunda: Thermal Unit Category British thermal unit (IT) per foot per hour per Fahrenheit degree ... British thermal unit...
Convert kinematic viscosity units, including m²/s, cm²/s and stokes, with our kinematic viscosity measurement units conversion tool. Input a value in the provided field and choose the kinematic viscosity units you wish to convert between. ...
1) centistoke (unit of kinematic viscosity) 厘斯托克 2) Stoker[英]['stəʊkə(r)] [美]['stokɚ] 斯托克 1. New Thermal Treatment Technology Used in Waste Management System——Stoker; 垃圾热处理新技术——斯托克焚烧技术 更多例句>> ...
Kinematic viscosity has the dimension length squared per time. The SI composite unit of kinematic viscosity is the square meter per second. • Maple knows the units of kinematic viscosity listed in the following table. Name Symbols Context Alternate Spellings Prefixes stokes St standard * ...
Kinematic Viscosity = v = u/p = (kg/(m x s) x 10-3) / (kg/m3) = m2/s x 10-6 The cgs physical unit for kinematic viscosity is thestokes(St), named after George Gabriel Stokes. It is sometimes expressed in terms ofcentistokes(cSt). In U.S. usage,stokeis sometimes used as...
SI unit of kinematic viscosity:[ν] = m²/s Other units for kinematic viscosity Informal but frequently used units are Stokes (St) and Centistokes (cSt). These do not correspond to the SI unit system (SI is the abbreviation of the French Système international d'unités): ...
The viscosity of coating formulations or raw materials is measured by thekinematic viscosity, when flow is driven by gravity [measured in m2/s or stokes (St): 1 m2/s = 10,000 St]. A simple equipment to determine the kinematic viscosity often used in thecoatings industryis a 100 cm3beaker...
μ = absolute or dynamic viscosity (N s/m2) ρ = density (kg/m3) In the SI-system the theoretical unit of kinematic viscosity ism2/s- or the commonly usedStoke (St)where 1 St (Stokes) = 10-4m2/s = 1 cm2/s Stoke comes from the CGS (Centimetre Gram Second) unit system. ...
n. Viscosity of a substance divided by the density of the substance at the temperature of measurement. Kinematic viscosity is commonly obtained from capillary and outflow viscometer data. The unit is the stokes. A liquid having a relative density of one has a kinematic viscosity of one stokes ...