it. these activities may have different aims; they may also, when viewed together, give the entire lesson an overall objective. here we look at some ways in which activities can relate to each other and combine to ma...
1. Input your text below. 2. Get it corrected in a few minutes by our editors. 3. Improve your English! Submit your text now One of our experts will correct your English. kinds of vs types of Both 'kinds of' and 'types of' are correct and commonly used in English. They are inter...
A. Our parents can teach us many different types of musi c. B. Music is changing with the development of the times. C. The old like the hip-hop musi c. D. The hip-hop music is Jamaicans' favourite.4. What does the text mainly tell us? A. How to learn the musi c. B. ...
一、阅读理解kinds of mold can be used to make food. For One day, you open the fridge and find some example, penicillium can be used to make many moldy food. But before you can throw it away,types of cheeses, such as blue cheese, These your mother stops you. She doesn't want to ...
Supercharge Elevate your Mac experience My open source work is supported by the community Special thanks to: Your app, enterprise-ready. Start selling to enterprise customers with just a few lines of code. Add Single Sign-On (and more) in minutes instead of months. ...
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Kind of articles' is used when referring to a specific type or category of articles, while 'kinds of article' is used when talking about different types or categories of articles in general. ...
AllSite0x80Specifies all site data, now and future. This browsing data kind is inclusive of CoreWebView2BrowsingDataKinds.AllDomStorage and CoreWebView2BrowsingDataKinds.Cookies. New site data types may be added to this data kind in the future. ...
Four.44. What kind of map is the one in the text? A. An air map. B. A road map. C. A se a map. D. A tourist map.45. What does the writer mainly want to tell us? A. Ways to choose maps. B. Ways to read maps. C. Some types of maps. D. The importance of maps. ...
As the weather warms up,the trees sprout (发芽).Boreal Forests Boreal forests are found in the north of the world, like North America, Asia, and Europe. Of the three types of forests, boreal forests have the shortest growing season, about 130 days. These forests are cold, making it ...
Ellen Mae: a Genesis theme for chiropractors. It can work for other types of health sites too. It has a simple and clean design. Nancy: a Genesis theme for dentists. It has a responsive design and includes HTML5 markup. It has 7 color schemes and side-blog support. ...