Five kinds of sentences structures 五种句子结构 (1) 主语+ 谓语(S + V) (2) 主语+ 谓语+ 直接宾语(S + V + DO) (3) 主语+ 连系动词+ 表语(S + V + P) (4) 主语+ 谓语+ 间接宾语+ 直接宾语(S + V + IO + DO) (5) 主语+ 谓语+ 直接宾语+ 宾语补足语(S + V + DO + OC) ...
Kinds of Sentence讲义s - KindsofSentences- THANKS
1. Different kinds of sentences A. B. C. D. Simple sentences Compound sentences Complex sentences Compound complex sentences 1. Simple 简单句 A simple sentence is one independent clause. 2. Compound 并列(复合)句 two or more independent clauses joined by a coordinate conjunction (FAN BOYS) or...
five kinds of simple sentences in use教学设计 热度: Lesson Five Language Teaching and Learning 热度: 农科英语课件unit_5 Plant hormones five major kinds 热度: Five kinds of learning Habituation, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, observation, and insight ...
Write down the common nouns in these sentences. The architect built a sturdy bridge. Sentence #2: The population of St. Louis watched on television as the Gateway Arch was completed. Answers: architect, bridge, population, television Write down the proper nouns in these sentences. On January ...
I dropped out of college. (1) These sentences sum up what happened in the many years that passed between the time when the daughter was a small child and when she was thirty. Although this part is still narrated by the daughter, now she had grown up to be a mature woman. While the...
Tospendtoomuchtimeinstudiesissloth;tousethemtoomuchforornamentisaffection;tomakejudgmentwhollybytheirrules,isthehumorofascholar.(FrancisBacon,OfStudies)7.6Climax&anticlimax(渐进和突降)渐进和突降)渐进和突降 Whenweputtheitemsofsentencesintoorder,weusuallychoosethewordsbasedontheprincipleoffromsmalltobig,from...
Structureofthetext •PartI.Para.1-3:thebeginning;•PartII.Para.4-76:themiddle;•PartIII.Para.77-93:theend.Detailedstudyofthetext •1.Wordsandexpressions•2.Paraphrsesomeofthesentences.•3.Translationofsomedifficultsentences.•4.Summarizethemainideaofeachpart.•5.Freetalkabouttheshort...
organizationofplotdevelopmentand thehero’sorheroine’sepiphany(顿悟) •5.Getsomebriefinformationaboutth edifferencesbetweenChineseculturea ndAmericanculture •6.Getsomeinformationabouttheaut hor,AmyTan(谭思美) •7.Explainsomemeaningfulsentences andunderstandtheirimplications •8.Dosomeexercisesasisrequired...
1. describe all kinds of weather in English. 2. use some sentences to talk about weather. 3. remember some words through word building. Warming up Watch the video and pay attention to the change of weather wind Warming up n. 风 [wind] ...