resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is a central event in Christian theology. Christians gather for worship on Sundays to honor this event and to follow the tradition established in the New Testament. Sunday worship typically includes prayers, Bible readings, singing, and the Eucharist or Communion...
As the title of this post says, this was the week of trials and tests. As a believer in the God of the Bible, no where does it say in the Bible that Christian’s are supposed to have it easier than others. In fact, the Bible states quite the opposite. It refers to these trials ...
“The Book of Choice Narratives”) set the pattern for many later encyclopaedias. The 10 books were arranged in the following order: power, war, nobility, character, learning and eloquence, asceticism, friendship, prayers, food, women. Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih of Córdoba improved on Ibn Qutaybah’...