In considering these general truths we must turn inward and weigh the truth of our own love relationship. But how are we to know what kind of love we're really fighting for? How can we validate our relationship to understand its greater scope in the framework of our lives? Categorizing ...
Being female and reporting greater well-being were predictors of this class. They were more likely to be in a relationship. Membership in the remaining four classes was discussed relative to this class. Blindlove (28.4 percent). This class had high levels of Romanticism. Boys were more ...
Fivekindsofspecificlove Parent&Children Thisisaveryfirstrelationshipweformwhenwecomeintothisworld.Thisloverelationshiphasalotofcareandsecurityattachedtoit.Parentsfulfilleachdesireoftheirchildren,wanttheirhappiness,workhardtomouldthelittleonesintoagoodhumanbeing,provideeverythingtomakethemindependent.Childreninreturn,...
What"s the result of the research studies? [解析] 原文说,大多数人对“适度”感到快乐,人们和不那么特别的伴侣在一起时更舒服。D表达的正是此含义,故为答案。 第3题: [听力原文] According to the speaker, what are essential for a serious love relationship? [解析] 原文最后提到,如果你能容忍...
(4)T.根据"This kind of love makes the relationship between people closer.这种爱使人与人之间的关系更加密切。"可知朋友之间的爱可以使关系更亲密。故答案为T。(5)T.根据"Parental love can waken the love within the child, who will plant the seed of love in his heart and love his parents. ...
A marriage relationship is built over a lifetime. There are four kinds of “love” needed to make a marriage relationship complete. They are AGAPE, PHILEO, STORGE, and EROS. All are essential in a marriage. The highest form of these types of love is agape. Agape love is an unconditional...
ve liked going to bed with you and I’ve a sort of notion you’ve liked going to bed with me. But let’s face it, I’ve never been in love with you any more than you’ve been in love with me. I knew it couldn’t last. Sooner or later you were bound to fall in love and...
Three kinds of relationship you should never have at uni Universities are hotbeds for all kinds of relationships, from everlasting true love through to awkward one-night stands.Arriving at uni straight from an all-girls grammar school, I was completely delighted with the sheer number of acne-...
This kind of love makes the relationship between people closer. In society, it is the most necessary love.(C) Our world is full of love. Love alone can waken love. Parents' love can waken the love within the child, who will plant the seed (种子) of love in (D) his heart and ...