financiers, financial agents, capitalists, underwriters, (but not in respect of life, marine or fire insurance), concessionaires and brokers and to undertake and carry on and execute all kinds of financial, commercial, trading and other operations; to receive money or valuables on deposit at inter...
Emotional appeals are found in most consumer advertising today. Certain cars promise to make the driver feel "younger" and " freer". Shoes promise to make the buyer's whole life "springier". Life insurance policies promise to take the "care out of living". ...
he wanted to fill out an application for a life insurance policyB. he had decided to buy a life insurance policyC. he took great interest in the insurance companyD. he was eager to explore the possibilities of buying a life insurance policy2. After several hours of talking the writer DA...
financiers, financial agents, capitalists, underwriters, (but not in respect of life, marine or fire insurance), concessionaires and brokers and to undertake and carry on and executeallkinds offinancial, commercial, trading and other operations; to receive money or valuables on deposit at interest ...
保险有很多的好处,并且现在越来越多的人都为自己买了保险 The insurance has very many kinds to have the social security, the life insurance, the medical insurance, Che Xian and so on.The insurance has very many advantage, and present more and more many people all have bought the insurance for...
Life insuranceis valuable when people who depend on your income would be financially hurt if you die. But if you don’t need to leave a pile of cash to pay off a mortgage or to leave a bequest, skip it. There are two main types of life insurance: ...
financiers, financial agents, capitalists, underwriters, (but not in respect of life, marine or fire insurance), concessionaires and brokers and to undertake and carry on and execute all kinds of financial, commercial, trading and other operations; to receive money or valuables on deposit at inter...
Something important to be aware of: When shopping for savings or checking accounts, refer to the Weiss Safety Rating. When deciding to buy, sell, hold or avoid their shares, refer to the Weiss Investment Rating. For their insurance policies, refer to the Weiss Safety Rating. ...
He has his own argument: Japan's life insurance coverage rate is as high as 540%, the US insurance rate is 350%, Europe is 230%, and Mainland China only 8%. That is to say, in other countries, on average, there are several policies per person, and we have only 0.8. ...
Malpas PJ. Is genetic Information relevantly different from other kinds of non-genetic infor- mation in the life insurance context? J Med Ethics. 2007;34:548-51.Malpas PJ. Is genetic information relevantly different from other kinds of non- genetic information in the life insurance context?