Contemporary ethics and today's society generally condemn such behavior. However, extreme utilitarianism may not view it that way: if a great scientist falls ill and needs a particular organ, they might argue that it is acceptable to kill an ordinary person to extract the organ and transplant i...
Ethics must be a matter of intentions, these being the only things we can evaluate without extrinsic influence. The right action therefore is that which is done in conformity with our moral duty, regardless of consequence.In the Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant argued that one ...
五种遗规(清朝陈宏谋)(Fivekindsofrules(ChenHongmou,Qing Dynasty)) Fivekindsofrules(QingDynastyChenHongmou).Txtpeopleand people'sheartisthenearestandfaraway,sincerityisthe middlepassage.Canfireassay,awomanmaytrytousegold, menmaytrytouseawoman--oftencannotstanditatry.Chen ...